This page does not make me happy. It brings back a lot of memories. Some good and some bad. What's important is Where am I going from here. I'm not only bringing them back, but my updated design of both covers will blow your mind.
The Top Cover is called the Madnegard Filtration Cover. I filtered out harmful metel particles down to 5 microns. You can monitor the oil's condition through the viewing window. I dropped the ball with Turbo Diesel Magazine. He went to an old machinist in Southern California and he came up with a cover with a magnetic dip stick. That was the beginning of the Mag-Hytec Cover.
The Second Cover was designed by my dear friend Gerald Williamson. Jerry worked on many world famous cars and projects. Jerry taught me that if I was going to design a product, make it beautiful to the eye. Jerry brought an elegant look to the World's First Removable Cover for the Ford 9 inch Differential.
This is a "3 in 1" Insert I designed for the racing industry. All Ford 9 in. has a
oil flow problem. Because of the stamped housing, the oil hits the top flange and
the oil is deflected downward, I creates a water fall effect. Now the oil has to push through that to get to the pinion area. My "3 in 1" Insert does 3 things:
1. Fills in the top of the housing for improved oil flow.
2. I filters out all harmful metal particles from the oil.
3. The filtered oil flows down lubricates the carrier bearings.
I don't have to explain this one. It just works good !
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